Hi there everyone....time to work on the second block of our Modern Block of the Month.
The name of this block is Woven, and by the look of the block you can see that the name is appropriate.
It's quite an interesting looking block and looks pretty straight forward...until you really look and wonder how on earth this block would be constructed!
Some of you will know of a thing called "sewing partial seams". That is the secret behind this block. For those of you who have no idea what that means...you'll soon find out!....and have something new to add to your quilty tool box.
First, cut out all the fabrics needed for the block, as per instructions.
This is a picture of my background pieces...
When there are just one of many different sized pieces, I do have a couple of tips to help keep them organised. One is to just lay them out in the order that they are listed in the pattern, which I have done.
I've gone a step further and marked each piece with it's designation...A1, B2, etc. I'm careful to mark this on the edge of the piece in what will become the seam allowance. I'm using my new favourite marking tool...a water-erasable marker. Another good tool is a mechanical pencil...which you would for sure just mark in the seam allowance!
Here are all of the pieces for the block laid out, with sections A, B, C, and D sewn together (which is just straight-forward sewing)(also, I have marked the sections with the marker for the purpose of instruction, I wouldn't normally do this) ...
....and there is piece E in the middle. We start the next step using piece E and section A.
Sew piece E to section A, but take care to only sew from where I've marked mine with an arrow, to the end of the seam. Note, you will NOT sew that first bit at this time....that unsewn bit is approximately a third down from the edge of piece E...
Here's how it will look....your partial seam!...(I usually do a little backstitch at the beginning of the partial seam)...
I did press my seam to the blue fabric, but only the bottom half of the seam for now...
Next, attach section D...
....and then section B...
...after that, you can see that we only have that partial seam to close up.
....just sew the seam from the edge of the block up to that original partial seam that we started with....shown by that blue arrow on mine.
Et voila!....our Woven block...pretty impressive!!!
I hope some of you learned something new this month. If the instructions are confusing in any way and you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at sandra.croley@gmail.com...or through Facebook messenger, if you prefer.
You can find the PDF HERE
If you are able, please post a picture of your block on Instagram using the hashtag #tqgmodernbom so we can all enjoy each other's blocks.
That's it for this month. Take care, and stay safe.